Furthermore in Adobe InDesign it is a industry desktop publishing and it will allow me to create a professional looking music magazine, I have to create a contents page, front cover and double page spread. I will further study and investigate different types of college music magazines on the internet and blogs;which will help me decide on which genre I wanted to use for my own creation of my magazine.
So far in my media studies group and class I have been researching designs to help with designing and creating my own college magazine from scratch. To achieve this I have been studying and learning how to correctly use Adobe programs; the programs that i have been using are Adobe In-design and Adobe Photoshop, also known as DTP. Below are screenshots and examples of what I have been creating for my prelim task and to the introduction of these new programs.
Me and my class studying different magazine types and analyzing the characteristics that they have, the differentiation of templates in the magazines will help me construct my own unique and clean magazine. I further studied the different methods that we could produce and use within our own magazine this included masthead, image, background design and puff.
My class building and planning out what templates suited our ideas and discussing how I can implement the different templates into my own different designs. For example I needed to understand how many columns are required for my own magazine to become unique and clean, I was given inspiration from Vogue Magazine and You Magazine; this helped me also think carefully about the colour and font I was going to use for my magazine.
Here are some of my page layouts that I have created with Adobe InDesign, also these pictures help show my planning and developing stage of using new software and learning about different features to create and help aid my creation of my own magazine:
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