Greenscreen Work - Mock Shots and Studio Shots

In my media studies lesson we have been learning and experimenting with getting more fond of taking photos with a green screen background and then editing the background in Photoshop, the pictures below show evidence of my work about getting a good understanding with new tools in Photoshop, such as self blemish tool and the magic wand tool. These are new skills that I have learnt when creating and using Photoshop, before I was introduced to Adobe Photoshop I had a rough knowledge on the program and I did not really know how to use most of the tools, but now I am confident when creating and producing content. 

In this picture I was experimenting with different backgrounds that accommodated my model and their pose, in this instance Sam lying down on a field of grass.

I believe that this picture is very dark and serious so I decided to use a alleyway with graffiti on the walls. This linked with the lighting on the models face as only half of their face is showing.

This picture is evidence of experiments with back drops as I wanted my models to be leaning on the corner of a wall that is located in a urban area with art on the walls, this represented the rap vibe and atmosphere that I wanted to use in my music magazine.

This image is evidence of me trying different colour types and configurations that I could use for the double page spread of my music magazine as I wanted the page to stand out and attract the audience that I am targeting.
The images above highlight behind the scenes of my photoshoot as this is evidence of my creation and production of the music magazine and the experimentation of different shot types.


  1. needs to be annotated in 200 words to be classed as a meaningful post, what skills did you learn ? what design decisions where there? what influenced your decisions? how successful where they?


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