Analysis of my music magazine

Below are new images of thumbnails that I have created for my music magazine, the images also show the structure I will follow when I am creating my music magazine on Adobe In-design. Although I have created these thumbnails, they are only scratch and drafts, my music magazine may be altered when designing it. The use of these thumbnails help visualize how my music magazine may look like. I gained the inspiration of my new thumbnails from music magazines such as NME and Vibe Magazine. However I took inspiration from the magazines and then altered and changed the layout of the magazine for my own originality. I believe that these thumbnails are very clean and simplistic so that the text receiver will easily understand and read the magazine whilst looking professional and attractive for my target audience. I have learnt many media techniques and skills such as learning what different headings and sections of a magazine are for example subheadings and sub articles.


  1. How will these designs influence your final work? posts needs to be annotated in 200 words to be classed as a meaningful post, what skills did you learn ? what design decisions where there? what influenced your decisions? how successful where they?

  2. Still need to discuss here Alex.
    Mrs McD-H

  3. I have acted upon your feedback.


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